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Animal Nutrition's New Frontier: Alltech and Emirates Food Industries Forge a Milestone Partnership

We find ourselves at a defining moment in the evolution of sustainable agriculture and agri-food technologies. Today, the narrative shifts as Alltech, a global juggernaut in animal nutrition, partners with National Dairy Farms and Masakin Dairy Farms, two significant holdings under Emirates Food Industries (EFI). This isn’t merely a partnership; it's a transformative symbiosis that places carbon footprint reduction and methane-cutting technologies at the helm, precisely when the world gears up for COP28 in Dubai.

How It’s Shaping the Future:

  1. Pioneering Carbon Footprint Benchmarking: Through Alltech E-CO, National and Masakin gain unprecedented access to carbon footprint measurement technologies, allowing them to adopt data-driven strategies and set ambitious carbon reduction targets. The magnitude of this data-centric approach can't be understated—it’s a harbinger of digital transformation sweeping the agri-food sector.

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